Evaluating knowledge management practices in a hospital pharmacy: A comprehensive investigation

Abraham Dongo *

Department of Pharmacy, Oshakati Intermediate Hospital, Ministry of Health and Social Services, Oshana Region Directorate, Namibia.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2024, 27(01), 043–050.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2024.27.1.0112
Publication history: 
Received on 21 February 2024; revised on 29 March 2024; accepted on 01 April 2024
Background: Knowledge management practices in healthcare settings play a crucial role in improving patient care quality and operational efficiency. However, the understanding and implementation of these practices in Oshakati Hospital pharmacy, Namibia, remain unclear.
Methods: A structured questionnaire was administered to 26 participants, including pharmacists, pharmacist interns, and pharmacist assistants, to assess knowledge-sharing frequency, documentation practices, technology effectiveness, and the overall knowledge management effectiveness.
Results: The study found no significant relationship between work experience and knowledge management practices, indicating potential gaps in understanding and implementation of knowledge management strategies. Participants showed moderate attitudes towards knowledge sharing, with technology perceived as moderately effective in facilitating knowledge management.
Conclusion: Enhancing knowledge management practices at Oshakati Hospital pharmacy is crucial to address existing gaps, improve collaboration, and elevate pharmaceutical care standards in the region. Implementing a comprehensive health information system and integrating innovative technologies can enhance knowledge extraction and patient interactions, ultimately improving healthcare outcomes.
Knowledge Management; Healthcare; Pharmacy; Namibia; Technology; Patient Care.
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